
What is Cloud ?

“The cloud” is a term for servers that can be accessed over the Internet, as well as the software and databases that run on those servers. There are data centers all over the world where cloud servers are kept. By using cloud computing, users and businesses don’t have to run their own servers or software applications on their own computers.

The cloud enables users to access the same files and programs from virtually any device, as computation and storage are performed on servers in a data center rather than locally on the user’s device. This is why a person may log in to their Instagram account on a new phone after their old phone has broken and still discover their previous account with all of their photos, videos, and chat history intact. It functions identically with cloud email providers such as Gmail or Microsoft Office 365 and cloud storage solutions such as Dropbox and Google Drive.

Switching to cloud computing reduces some IT costs and overhead for organizations; for example, they no longer need to upgrade and maintain their own servers because the cloud vendor will do so. This has a significant impact on small firms that may have been unable to finance their own internal infrastructure but may now affordably outsource their infrastructure needs via the cloud. Because employees and consumers can access the same data and apps from any place, the cloud can help facilitate the international expansion of businesses. 

How does cloud computing work?

Cloud computing is made feasible by a technology known as virtualization. Virtualization enables the creation of a simulated, digital-only “virtual” computer that mimics the behavior of a physical computer with its own hardware. Virtual machine is the technical word for such a computer system. When properly built, virtual machines on the same host machine are sandboxed from one another so that they do not communicate with one another and the files and applications from one virtual machine are not accessible to the other virtual machines, while being on the same physical machine. In addition, virtual machines make more efficient use of the hardware that hosts them. By running many virtual machines concurrently, a single server becomes multiple servers and a data center becomes a whole network of data centers capable of serving numerous enterprises. Thus, cloud providers can provide the usage of their servers to a greater number of customers at a lower cost than they would be able to otherwise. Even if individual servers are offline, cloud servers should always be online and accessible. Cloud service providers typically back up their services across many machines and geographies. Regardless of the device, users can access cloud services via a web browser or an application, connecting to the cloud via the Internet (i.e., many interconnected networks).

What are the main service models of cloud computing?

Instead of users installing an application on their device, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications are hosted on cloud servers, and users access them via the Internet. SaaS is comparable to renting a home: the landlord maintains the home, while the renter uses it as if it were their own. SaaS applications include Salesforce, MailChimp, and Slack, among others.
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): In this approach, corporations do not pay for hosted apps; rather, they pay for the components necessary to develop their own applications. Internet-based PaaS companies provide all the necessary components for application development, including development tools, infrastructure, and operating systems. PaaS is comparable to renting the tools and equipment needed to construct a house, rather than the house itself. Examples of PaaS services are Heroku and Microsoft Azure.
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): In this approach, a business rents the necessary servers and storage space from a cloud service provider. They utilize this cloud infrastructure to develop their applications. IaaS is analogous to a firm leasing a piece of land on which it can construct anything it chooses, but must furnish its own construction equipment and supplies. DigitalOcean, Google Compute Engine, and OpenStack are IaaS providers.
Historically, the three primary paradigms of cloud computing were SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS, and virtually all cloud services fell into one of these categories. In recent years, however, a fourth model has emerged:
Function-as-a-Service (FaaS): FaaS, also known as serverless computing, deconstructs cloud applications into even smaller, as-needed components. Imagine if it were possible to rent a property in increments: for example, the tenant only pays for the dining room during supper, the bedroom when sleeping, and the living room while watching television, and when they are not using those rooms, they do not have to pay rent on them.
FaaS or serverless applications continue to operate on servers, as do all of these cloud computing paradigms. However, they are referred to as “serverless” because they do not run on dedicated machines and their developers do not need to manage servers.
Additionally, serverless operations scale up, or duplicate, when more people use the program; imagine if the tenant’s dining area could grow on demand when more guests arrive for dinner.

What are the different types of cloud deployments?

In contrast to the models outlined above, which define how cloud-based services are delivered, these cloud deployment types establish where cloud servers are located and who controls them.

The most prevalent cloud deployments include:

Private cloud: A private cloud is an organization-exclusive server, data center, or distributed network.

Public cloud: A public cloud is a service provided by an external provider that may consist of servers located in one or more data centers. Public clouds, unlike private clouds, are shared by different enterprises. Individual servers may be shared by numerous firms using virtual machines, a circumstance known as “multitenancy” since multiple tenants rent server space on the same server.

Hybrid cloud deployments include public and private clouds and may also contain legacy servers located on-premises. A company may use its private cloud for certain services and its public cloud for others, or it may utilize its public cloud as a backup for its private cloud.

Multi-cloud is a type of cloud deployment in which numerous public clouds are utilized. In other words, a company with a multi-cloud deployment hires virtual servers and services from many external providers; to continue the comparison used previously, this is analogous to renting numerous neighbouring parcels of land from separate landlords. Hybrid cloud deployments can also be multi-cloud deployments and vice versa.